Windsor 2024 Day Three
The Great Windsor Journey
By: Praise, Noah, and Gabriel
Day three we started off we woke up to go down and eat breakfast which was basically a free for all. Afterward, we did our DEVO’s and that was mind opening. We then started our journey to the soup kitchen to help restore the place by removing trash and cleaning the walls from grease. There was a lot of grease like the hair of the 1950’s. We then took a walk (because our horses were tired) to Bruce Park to look around and play some games. We then continued our quest to Feeding Windsor, in which we ate chicken burgers and hot dogs. In the afternoon, we continued back to Bruce Park to clean out their shed and sort everything. We also played with the children who were at the park. We did 9 square and drove the quadbike with the children. We went back to the tavern to have Chicken salad and perogies of the bacon. We ended our quest at Campbell Baptist Church where we relaxed for a bit and then played some bump, some sardines, and wanted to play the card game pharisees but we can’t find it anywhere! The hunt for the game continues as we will not survive the week without it…