Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them all.”
Love Gifts
Administration is the “divine enablement to understand what makes an organization function, and the special ability to plan and execute procedures that accomplish the goals of the ministry.” Definition by Bruce Bugbee
Can you organize ideas, people, and projects for reaching a specific goal?
Do you love supporting others and get joy from seeing them accomplish their goals?
Do you find it easy to delegate significant responsibilities to other people?
Are you comfortable with making important decisions, even under pressure?
Helps is the “capacity to unselfishly meet the needs of others through very practical service” enabling ministry to be ongoing. Definition By J. Robert Clinton
Do I enjoy working behind the scenes, taking care of little details?
Do I love relieving others of routine tasks so they can get important projects done?
Can I recognize a need and get the job done, no matter how small the task?
Am I dependable for getting things done on time, and I don’t need much praise or thanks?
Do I get a sense of pleasure from helping people in any type of need and feel a sense of satisfaction in meeting that need?
Mercy is the “divine enablement to cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering or are in need.” Definition by Bruce Bugbee
I feel compassion for hurting and lonely people and like to spend considerable time with them to cheer them up.
I want to do whatever I can for the needy people around me, even if I have to sacrifice something.
I am quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger (James 1:19-20).
I am deeply bothered (more than others) by stories from those who have been abused or mistreated.
Giving is the “capacity to give liberally to meet the needs of others and yet to do so with a purity of motive which senses that the giving is a simple sharing of what God has given.” Definition By J. Robert Clinton
Do you find yourself earmarking finances because you have a keen sense that an opportunity to give will be presented?
Do you actively look for situations or settings that could present significant opportunities to impact people's lives or the church for God’s glory?
Do you get immense joy out of giving without people ever knowing who delivered the help?
Do you hold onto possessions and resources lightly?
Have you discovered that following the Holy Spirit’s prompts to give is a supernatural process in which your own needs continue to be met?
Word Gifts
Teaching is the supernatural “ability to instruct, explain, or expose [Scripture] in such a way as to cause believers to understand the Biblical truth.” Definition by J. Robert Clinton
You have a tremendous drive to understand truth and look for ways to explain it to others.
You have a ferocious appetite to study the Bible.
You deeply care about meaning and are not satisfied with unclear explanations.
You learn new ways to communicate so your teaching can be more effective.
People understand the Bible better because of your teaching.
You see people becoming more like Jesus in their actions and attitudes.
Exhortation is the “capacity to urge people to action in terms of applying Biblical truths, to encourage people generally with Biblical truths, or to comfort people through the application of Biblical truth to their needs.” Definition by J. Robert Clinton
People confide in you, finding comfort from the way you listen and empathize with them.
You frequently find yourself giving advice to others.
You often share a word with someone in need and the person receives it as comfort from God.
People like being around you because you cheer them up with your positive presence.
You are not satisfied with a superficial acceptance of truth. You want people to apply it to their lives.
You love to share Scripture that is meaningful to you or stories about God’s work in your life to inspire others’ faith.
Apostleship is the “special ability to assume and exercise general leadership over a number of churches [or Christian organizations] with an extraordinary authority in spiritual matters that is spontaneously recognized and appreciated.” Definition by C. Peter Wagner
You bring diverse groups together for focused missions or goals.
You are an influencer and people follow your leadership.
You tend to contextualize the Gospel to the ever-changing culture.
You can take risks and perform difficult tasks.
You constantly come up with innovative ideas and strategies for the church to make an impact.
The nature and purpose of the church is clear to you, which fuels an insatiable desire to reach people for Christ.
Leadership/Ruling is the divine enablement to cast vision, motivate, and direct people to harmoniously accomplish the purposes of God. Definition by Bruce Bugbee
Do you seek out constructive criticism and feedback to become an even better leader?
Do others naturally trust you?
Do you maintain a positive posture even during trying circumstances?
Do you enjoy helping others improve?
Can you keep a thick skin and a soft heart when you are misunderstood?
Shepherding/Pastoring is the capacity to exercise concern and care for members of a group so as to encourage them in their growth in Christ, which involves modeling maturity, protecting them from error and disseminating truth. Definition by J. Robert Clinton
Do you enjoy spending time nurturing and caring for others?
Do you have compassion for believers who are struggling spiritually?
Do you like to provide guidance for the whole person - relationally, emotionally, spiritually, physically etc.?
Do you enjoy giving guidance and practical support to a small group of people?
Do you have a heart for the wandering?
Evangelism is the special ability to communicate the Gospel message in relevant ways to unbelievers. Definition by Leslie B. Flynn
Can you talk before groups of people and easily converse with strangers?
Do you feel an intense burden over the idea of people eternally un-reconciled to God?
Do you find it easy to naturally insert spiritual truth into normal conversations with people who don’t know Jesus in ways that are clear and effective?
Do you experience a sense of freedom and joy when you talk about Jesus to people who are unaware of who he is?
Do you feel a burden to pray for salvation for specific people or people groups?
Power Gifts
Faith is the ability to see something that God wants done and to sustain unwavering confidence that God will do it regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Definition by Leslie B. Flynn
You have an unusual desire to accept God's promises at face value and to apply them to given situations until God fulfills them.
If you receive what you believe to be a vision of some future work of God, you trust God for it until it happens.
You have the recurring experience, in the midst of situations, to sense that God is going to do something unusual even though most of the people around you don't have this kind of assurance.
You are convinced that God has specifically in a detailed way intervened on your behalf.
You have an attitude that says: God can and will do something in the situation, in fact, in many cases you know that God has already done it.
The Discerning of Spirits gift is the ability to perceive issues in terms of spiritual truth, to know the fundamental source of the issues and to give judgment concerning those issues; this includes the recognition of the spiritual forces operating. Definition By J. Robert Clinton
You have an unusual sensitivity or intuitive grasp of people and situations and a keen sense for recognizing inconsistencies.
You can categorize and think in logical ways and understand Scriptural truth.
You have a deep underlying sense of conviction which will not allow you to rest when you know people are being given half-truth, misapplied truth, or false teaching, and are asked to act upon it.
On some occasions, you will get a glimpse of the ‘behind the scenes’ supernatural reality in a situation, either by mental picture or in reality.
You may see physical evidence that leads you to know something is wrong spiritually.
You may see or sense demons, or angels connected to people, places, or situations.
Works of Power (Miracles) is the supernatural ability to have spiritual authority over nature or the demonic. Definition by J. Robert Clinton
God puts you in positions in which you see the power of God demonstrated in order to vindicate God's character.
You have an ability and sensitivity to discern what God wants to do in each situation.
You have a sense of God’s authority to effect change by evoking the supernatural into the natural world.
You have a deep trust and faith in God and are willing to risk your reputation and trust God in unusual situations.
You can see the spiritual realities of a situation and discern the power encounter that is happening.
The gift of Tongues allows one to “speak, worship, or pray in a language unknown to the speaker.” Definition by Bruce Bugbee
When you pray in tongues you feel a prompting and invitation to pray in an unhindered way.
When you pray in tongues you feel deeply connected to the Lord and sense that he is using you to bring about his will.
When you pray in tongues, you often have a sense of interpreting the kind of prayer you are praying, i.e., praise, intercession, warfare etc.
When you pray in tongues you are in control while having the freedom of not necessarily understanding the words you are praying.
The Interpretation of Tongues is the “ability to spontaneously respond to a giving of an authoritative message in tongues by interpreting this word and clearly communicating the message given.” Definition by J. Robert Clinton
When you hear a public or personal prayer in tongues, can you understand what is being prayed clearly and concisely?
Is the interpretation you received beneficial to the church or the individual you are telling it to? Does it build them up and edify them?
You sense the Holy Spirit’s prompting to bring an interpretation and his pleasure and empowerment as you do.
Intercession is the special ability to selflessly pray for extended periods of time on a regular basis and see frequent and specific answers to their prayers, to a degree much greater than that which is expected of the average Christian. Definition by C. Peter Wagner
The first thing that you do or think when you hear about a problem is pray.
You have a deep concern for certain people, issues, and geographical areas that others don’t seem to notice.
You regularly feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray spontaneously and later discover that God was using you strategically in that moment.
You get lost in prayer and can pray for a much longer time than most.
You sometimes experience emotional or even physical pain for others when praying for them.
Things happen or answers to prayers come very fast when you pray.
The gift of Prophecy is exercised when someone, usually in a congregation or large gathering, has the capacity to deliver truth of a predictive nature or a situational word from God. The result is to exhort the community, edify or comfort believers, or convince non-believers of God’s truth. Definition by J. Robert Clinton
You demonstrate an inner sensitivity to God and have a variety of experiences in which the Holy Spirit speaks to you.
You are deeply impressed that God has by His Spirit given you a message to deliver in the situation that is consistent with the Word of God.
You are not afraid to speak out publicly or take strong stands on issues.
You tend to see the needs of the group as a whole and are willing to take stands on Biblical standards.
When you speak publicly, people are convicted, encouraged, and motivated by the truth that you tell.
The gift of Healing is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to serve as human intermediaries through whom it pleases God to cure illness and restore health apart from the use of natural means. Definition by C. Peter Wagner
Do you have a deep desire to see God alleviate physical, emotional, and spiritual problems in people and the willingness to be used by God to do so?
Do you have an unusual ability to sense the power of God when it is present for healing?
Do you trust God and believe that he wants to heal people, relationship, and situations?
You have an unusual confidence in God and therefore are willing to take risks for God.
Some with this gift speak of sensing heat, power or other physical manifestations from God that come upon them when praying for healing.
The gifts of Words of Wisdom/Knowledge are situational communications given by the Holy Spirit for that moment. Thus, we are not just talking about people who are knowledgeable about the Bible or God but are talking about a word which comes from God as wisdom or knowledge for a certain specific situation.Definition by J. Robert Clinton
Are you sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting to recognize that certain thoughts or impressions are from God?
Do you know that in certain situations the Holy Spirit wants to do something and gives you knowledge that could not have originated with you? This knowledge helps release the activity of God in the situation.
Do you have an awareness that God releases knowledge and information in a variety of ways?
In your mind's eye, you may see words written like newspaper headlines or ticker tape or see pictures or visions, or hear God speak in an inner voice, or feel pain or other symptoms of a condition that God wants to heal even though you don’t have the actual condition.
Celibacy is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to remain single and enjoy it; to be unmarried and not suffer undue sexual temptation. Definition by C. Peter Wagner
You discovered an advantage in your singleness that allows you to use your time and gifts more effectively to serve others and God.
You find comfort and strength in your singleness and celibacy that turns your heart from this world and puts your focus on loving God.
You can joyfully embrace spiritual solitude over feelings of loneliness and desire for marital intimacy.
Your passion for God supersedes the desire for sexual intimacy.
The gift of Martyrdom is the special ability to undergo suffering for the faith even to death while constantly displaying a joyous and victorious attitude that brings glory to God. Definition by C. Peter Wagner
You can undergo immense suffering for your faith, while consistently displaying a joyous and victorious posture.
You have a forgiving spirit towards those causing your suffering and find suffering as an experience that leads you to praise.
You can hold relationships, material possessions, health and even life itself lightly and with appropriate spiritual indifference for the sake of loving and serving God completely.
Additional Resources
In the life of Jesus, through the power of the Spirit, we see spiritual disciplines and spiritual gifts converge as he ushered in and displayed the Kingdom of God to the world! In addition to being our Lord and Saviour, Jesus is also our model. God has also given his church spiritual disciplines and spiritual gifts that we might continue the work of Jesus in the world. As the disciplines and gifts converge, we continue the work of Christ and follow God’s blueprint for his church as we discover the extraordinary potential of the Holy Spirit at work through the people of God! Our series called “Convergence: Empowered for the Extraordinary” outlines what the Bible says regarding spiritual disciplines and gifts, how we see them at work in the life of Christ, and how we can recognize and utilize them in our lives as we seek to glorify Jesus and fully embrace our call as his Church!