Bill Murdoch


Bill has taken on the volunteer role of Regional Ministry Coordinator. He and his wife Sue have attended Compass since 1981 and served in many ministry areas. He has 3 married children and 7 grandchildren. Bill and his wife have a passion for the Lord and Compass ministry and have demonstrated their commitment to serving consistently in all their years of attendance at Compass. Bill has “retired” many times over the years from a variety of jobs.

After he retired from the business world, he was the interim Executive Director for Highlands Youth For Christ from July 2018 to November 2019. He refers to his approach to re”tire”ment as being “retreaded” and used for another season of time in another way. He is looking forward serving the dedicated Regional Ministry team members currently serving on CAP, Compass Run, Move Team, Newcomers (Refugees) Team and supporting in other administrative areas. Bill enjoys playing golf, reading and watching TV with Sue. He draws the line when it comes to watching Hallmark movies!