What is Freedom Session?

Freedom Session is a life-changing, healing-discipleship journey that uncovers the roots of pain in our lives and invites Jesus Christ to heal those areas of our hearts. Freedom Session encourages us to look honestly at how we deal with the challenges and troubles in life. It asks us to look into our past experiences, our strengths and our weaknesses, and challenges us to replace character defects with the character of God. 

“Freedom session was a journey that took me back to the deepest hurts so that I could remember God’s love for me. It was an inner heart surgery for me to let go of false beliefs and instead to think and live truly as the creation God had originally intended.”
— Jenna

Stay tuned for next available Freedom Session!

Freedom Session Format

Freedom Session is a 20-week video based program. Freedom Session meets every Tuesday evening 7:00 - 9:15 pm at the Orangeville site. Each week consists of large group video teaching as well as small groups of 6-8 people (same gender) to discuss the session and review the workbook questions.

Freedom Session Workbooks

Book 01 - Facing the Truth Book 02 - Finding Freedom Book 03 - Authentic Living

Bundle (3 books) $80 Individual books can be purchased seperately $30/each

Feel free to contact Jen, our Group LIfe Director, if you have any questions - jvis@thisiscompass.com

Our Leadership Team

With each cycle of Freedom Session, we need emotionally and spiritually mature people willing to serve on our leadership team. Our team mainly consists of facilitators and assistants. All facilitators have the privilege and responsibility of working through the Freedom Session program at the same time as participants and are supported through yearly training and detailed weekly briefings.